Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Be You! : Looking between the Black & White"

"We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them 

without removing some of our own skin.  -Andre Berthiaume

Every single person at one point or another has pretended to be something they're not. In the words of Televisions' Dr. House Gregory, " Everybody Lies." While some choose to cover this tempestuous habit with a veil of denial and excuses, and others simply embrace it for what it is, the question of  "to lie or not to lie" remains unresolved. 

This simple question is what lead me to these new series which is centered on a few key questions: 

Why do we pretend to be people/things that we're just not? 
Why can we not be who we are?

 Life has taught me that not only does it take time to accept yourself but it takes even more time to accept what you're not. 

At every stage in life, we see people that we aspire to become. Humans often yearn to mold themselves into whatever we admire. To some extent this can be a good thing, but the fine line between the two realms of aspiration and delusion is quite murky. 

With all that said, I've chosen to present myself as a guinea pig to society. I'm going to take off my mask one post at a time. Hopefully with each reveal, the skin underneath will heal under this new light of truth. 

Let me know what your (real) thoughts are!

This is one of my newest favorite songs. It's called " The A Team" by Ed Sheeran. It's one of those emotional songs that explores the less pleasant side of society. The story of the young woman in this particular song is quite heart breaking. However, her story reflects those of many others. Some Food for Thought: In the world, there are approximately 40 million prostitutes.

Monday, July 16, 2012

10 ways to make college cheaper

10 ways to make college cheaper:

 All my college students, check out this list to help you cut some costs!