Sunday, June 22, 2008

The knowledge I've gained this week

This week, I learned:

  • How to factor a trinomial

  • How to play volleyball

  • Big words such as quixotic, austere, aloof, and birdog

  • Yoga poses that I still cannot pronounce

  • How our economy really works(who's really in charge)

  • How to use Google effectively in other ways than googling

  • Cuba is a communist country

  • It would be less expensive to purchase gas from Venezuela than Saudi Arabia.

Friday, June 20, 2008

My summer plans

Summer time is one of my favorite times of the year. School is out, and you have about two and a half months of time to do nothing. Usually, My favorite things to do in the summer time are to go to the movies at Stone Crest mall, go swimming at my aunty's house, and just basically hang out with my pals. But this summer I am going to do more.
This summer, I am going to work on getting ready for school. I want to start exercising more so that I can stay in shape. We just got a brand new tread mill at home, and I will be using it a lot. I also plan to ride my bike around my neighborhood a couple times a week. I am planning on playing volleyball next year, so I 'll will be training for that during the summer. I am hoping to have a whole new image by the end of summer. I hope that I am able to accomplish all of the things that I have planned for the summer. I think this summer is going to be great!